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The Moon and Her Many Faces

I asked a co-worker today if she got to see the supremoon this weekend. She didn’t know what I was talking about so I did my best to describe it. Actually, I didn’t see it either. I was much too busy with life to remember to go look. I did see it high in the sky, but not the fabulous scene of it rising in the sky. I enjoyed looking up pictures of the supermoon though. It looks like it was an awesome one! The following image was taken from this site:


We proceeded to discuss the moon and her many faces.

Man in moon

There is of course the well-known man in the moon, but did you know there’s a woman in the moon as well? The following picture was emailed to me so I don’t have a source for the image. If someone knows where it came from, I would be more than happy to link as appropriate as I don’t own this image.


Even better yet, there’s a rabbit up there on the moon! Check this out! The following image taken from this site:


So there’s the moon lesson of the day. Hope you enjoyed it. Thank you, and come again another time. 🙂