Blog Archives

How do you know?

Just a funny to lighten up my blog a little.

Some background info – I’m red/green colorblind. I don’t drive a lot at night, but I’m known for stopping at green lights because I want to be safe rather than sorry. It’s also not uncommon to hear, “It’s green,” when I’m driving. I learned to maneuver traffic lights by position rather than color, though I still associate it with color because others use color. For example, “It’s green” means it’s the bottom one lit up, and I can go. “It’s red” means the top is lit, and I need to stop. It doesn’t mean color to me but just a direction as to what I need to do.

So tonight, I was driving. In the dark. As I approached the light on a frontage road, my wife told me, “Oh, that just turned green, you probably can’t make it.” So I sped up, and I made it no problem. If she hadn’t said that, I’d have slowed down to see it and ended up stopping at a red light. But I didn’t have to stop, I got to turn 🙂

When I turned, I saw several lights ahead. My wife, impressed that I’d made that light, said, “Go, they’re all green!”

I looked, and in my confusion, I asked her, “How the hell can you tell they’re all green from way back here?!”

I realized when she answered just how stupid of a question that was. “Uh, because they’re green?”